So with all the blogs going up from diffrent photographers from commerical photographers to photojournalists I thought I would join in for several reasons; first of all it's a great way to get input on what I'm working on as well as keep up to date with what projects others are working on. That said, I hope you enjoy it!

I've been working on a few things lately but one of the most meaningful to me was photographing the candle light vigil Ohio University had for the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting. As a photojournalist I've learned to distance myself somewhat from my subjects, because in my line of work sometimes things can just get too intense, but when I first heard about Virginia Tech I didn't feel anything, it wasn't until the Wednesday after when I watched a presentation someone made which was simply the names of the victims with snapshots of them that it hit me; these were college kids, just like me. My prayers go out to all of their families and friends.