Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's been awhile

It’s been awhile since I've posted on here, the first quarter of school tried its best to destroy me, but here I am, as Rolf would say, "still kicking!" I thought this quarter would be easy, with two 101 classes, but I didn't take my two upper level classes into account, or the amount of work I'd have with Reach Out on Campus and the Post, and trying to find internships for next summer (which reminds me I have a ton of work to do once the first week go break.)

I have been shooting for the Post but not doing nearly as much photo work as I would like, although this quarter has not been a total loss, as I took one of the most interesting classes I've taken in my time at OU, History of the Middle East from 1800 to present. I think everyone should take that course, because you really need a little history to understand the situation in the Middle East today.

It’s so easy to just make assumptions about people you don't know, about a culture you don't understand. I consider myself to be a fairly open minded person, but I realized I was stereotyping without even realizing it. When all the stories you hear coming from the middle east have to do with terror attacks and protests, its hard not to have this very negative image which in no way reflects the entirety of the population. Ask yourself this question: how much do you really know about the news you hear/read/watch?

Just something to think about

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