I’ve been thinking about Colorado lately. I was listening to my iTunes on shuffle and a song came on that threw me back to the Springs. I was listening to a lot of Sugarland’s Enjoy the Ride while I was working out there this past summer, and for me some music can just instantly transport me back. I can smell the air, hear the trees, feel the wind and the sun.
I like to think about that when I’m editing audio for my projects. I think good audio should do just what certain songs do for me, take you to the place they’re telling you about.
Recently I got to do an audio project on An Da Union a group from Inner Mongolia which does throat singing, which is one of the most unique sounds I've ever heard. I’d love to hear what you think.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Caring For Aggie
Caring For Aggie from J. Rachel Spencer on Vimeo.
This was my first attempt at video fall quarter for my final photo class at Ohio University. I was introduced to Aggie after talking with The Appalachian Community Visiting Nurses Association about doing a project with them. I was interested in showing the relationships the nurses have with their clients and asked if they had anyone in mind who would be good for a video piece. They told me about Aggie. She lives in Albany, Ohio with two of her sisters, and although she has almost lost all mobility she's still just as sharp as she ever was. Before I even met her, Milena, my friend at the ACVNA described visiting her house as going to see the Golden Girls, and she was right. She and her sisters would banter back and forth giving each other a hard time every chance they got. It was a pleasure to get to document a little piece of her life.
As far as the technical aspect goes I'm still working on video. I definitely need to use a tripod more. More to come later.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Passonate Art Works
I'm working on a project on Passion Works, a studio where artists with and without developmental disabilities make and sell collaborated work. I've shot there before and I'm always interested in meeting new people there. As Wendy, the artist in residence there told me in an interview, the artists there with developmental disabilities are unlike any other people you will meet, they don't judge you, they don't gossip, they are simply genuine people. Check back in awhile for the final project!

passion works,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Athens ice storm

Driving back to Columbus in the snow just after the ice storm in Athens
School was actually cancelled. After years of complaining about how Ohio reacts to weather, this, at least for the morning was actually deserved. While there really wasn't that much snow around, there was a good inch of ice covering everything in Athens. Not having class for the day allowed for time to sleep in till noon, watch at least 3 movies, and of course, head uptown to take a few pictures.

College Green covered in snow and ice

The top of Jeff Hill looking toward uptown

Sledding on Jeff Hill

Trees on College Green

not the best example of photojournalism, but here's what it looked like on the way out of Athens on 33 west
college greeen,
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